Windows 10 Add and Remove Clock in World Clock on Windows 10

Add and Remove Clock in World Clock on Windows 10

By Sophia | Last Updated

With the help of Windows 10 World Clock, you can check the time of any place in this world. Moreover, you are able to add and delete clock in the World Clock when necessary. For the detailed method, please keep reading.

Video guide on how to add and remove clock in World Clock on Windows 10:

Part 1: Add clock in World Clock

Step 1: Open Alarms & Clock via searching.

Step 2: Choose World Clock, and tap the bottom-right New icon.

choose new in world clock

Step 3: Enter the name of the place you want to add its clock in the pop-up empty box.

enter a location

After this procedure, the clock of the typed place is displayed in the World Clock.

new clock added

Part 2: Delete clock in World Clock

Step 1: Access Alarms & Clock in Start Menu.

Step 2: Open World Clock, right-click a clock and select Delete in the menu.

delete clock

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