
System Genius – FAQ

System Genius

System Genius boxshot

  • How long does it take to scan my computer and clean the junk file and registry?

    Normally it will cost you a few minutes to scan the computer. And the more files needed to be cleaned, the longer it takes. For a weekly check, it usually takes several minutes. .

  • What operating systems does System Genius support?

    System Genius supports all the latest Windows OS, including both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/Server 2008 and above versions.

  • Will there be junk files that cannot be cleaned?

    Yes, some files that cannot be cleaned, such as the temporary files that are still in use on the system, will be displayed at the bottom when scanned again.

  • I click the Disable start button for an application, why it still on the list when I run the software again?

    For the software that has the automatic protection, after you disable its startup, it will be set auto-startup. So, you cannot disable its auto startup. Moreover, after you finish the startup item management, you can restart the task manager to view the setting status.

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