Windows 10 Delete All Site Data and Settings in Flash Player on Win 10

Delete All Site Data and Settings in Flash Player on Win 10

By Michael | Last Updated

The article introduces how to delete settings, viewing history, game process, saved work and other data used by the content in Flash Player on Windows 10 computer.

Video guide on how to delete all site data and settings in Flash Player:

Steps to delete all site data and settings in Flash Player:

Step 1: Open Control Panel.

Step 2: Type flash in the top-right search box and tap Flash Player (32-bit) to access its settings.

open flash player settings

Step 3: Click Delete All in the Storage settings.

choose delete all

Tip: In this step, you can also open Advanced and tap Delete All in the settings, as shown in the following picture.

tap Delete all

Step 4: In the Delete All Site Data in Flash Player dialog, make sure Delete All Site Data and Settings is selected and choose Delete Data.

select Delete data

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