Office Password Unlock PowerPoint Presentation in Short Time

Beginner - How to Unlock PowerPoint Presentation in Short Time

By Jennifer | Last Updated

Microsoft PPT has an encryption feature that allows people to set a password to ensure that the PowerPoint presentation is protected from malicious tampering and copying. However, if users forget the password, it will be a distressing problem. Please scroll down, we will show you how to unlock PowerPoint presentations in a short time!

unlock PowerPoint presentation

Nowadays, it has become very difficult to unlock complex passwords, and slightly complicated passwords may take months or even years to crack. However, if you can remember some information in the password, it will help a lot to unlock it!

There is a useful tool specially designed for unlocking PPT password: iSunshare PowerPoint Password Genius. With this software, you can set the parameters to speed up the decryption of PPT passwords and help you to unlock PPT password in the shortest time.

powerpoint password recovery free download

Here provides some examples of how to use the software to set the parameters, which requires the Normal and Mask Recovery Types. Any password information you remember is important for unlocking the PPT.

normal mask

First of all, you can tick the appropriate range options according to the password information you remember, the more accurate the password information is, the faster you can unlock the ppt password.
The Brute-force range options including All caps Latin, All small Latin, All digits, All special symbols, Space, and All printable.

brute force range options

For example, you remember that passwords are composed of lowercase letters and digits, so tick All small Latin and All digits.

all digits and all small latin

Normal Recovery Type. If you remember a few characters from the beginning or end of the password, you can enter the relevant information in the Start from and End at boxes.

For example, you remember that the password starts with "ppt" and you remember that the length of password is 8. Then enter "ppt" in the Start from box, and click Length to set the Minimal and Maximal Password Length to 5.

start from ppt

length 5 5

If you remember that the password starts with the letters "ppt" and ends with "mm", and remember that there are 3 digits in the middle of the password, so you can set it up like this: type “ppt” in the Start from box, “mm” in the End at box, tick All digits on the left, and then set both the Minimal and Maximal Password Length to 3.

all digits and start end

length 3 3

Or you can choose the Mask Recovery Type and enter "ppt???mm" in the Mask box (one “?” represents one character). Then tick the All digits option, without setting the password length.

all digits and mask

After setting the parameters, click the Open button to import the PPT presentation into Encrypted File box.

open and start

Finally click Start button, the program will start to decrypt automatically, after successful cracking a new page will pop up, you can copy the password or directly open the file.

open and copy

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