Windows 10 Prevent Changing Pop-up Blocking Level on Windows 10

Prevent Changing Pop-up Blocking Level on Windows 10

By Sophia | Last Updated

From the following picture, you can see that the change to pop-up blocking level is disallowed. As for how to make it, this article shows you how to prevent changing pop-up blocking level on Windows 10 in particular.

change of pop up blocking level disabled

Video guide on how to prevent changing pop-up blocking level in Windows 10:

Steps to prevent changing pop-up blocking level on Windows 10:

Step 1: Access Local Group Policy Editor.

Step 2: Open Prevent changing pop-up filter level in Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Internet Explorer.

open prevent changing pop up filter level

Step 3: Select Enabled and tap OK to enable this setting.

enable prevent changing pop up filter level

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