Windows 10 Windows Maps Cannot Use Your Location | What to Do

Windows Maps Cannot Use Your Location | What to Do

By Michael | Last Updated

If Maps can't use your location in your Windows 10 PC, you are able to solve the problem with the following method.

Video guide on how to allow Maps to use your location in Windows 10:

Steps to allow Windows Maps to use your location in Windows 10:

Step 1: Access Maps from the Start Menu.

access maps

Step 2: Select Settings (i.e. the gear icon) on the left menu, and click Open location settings under Privacy.

click open location settings

Step 3: Turn on Windows Maps under Choose apps that can use your location.

select windows maps to use location

Tip: To go to the location settings more quickly, you can search location and select Location privacy settings from the result, as exhibited in the picture below.

open location privacy settings

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