Windows 8 Close Metro Apps on Windows 8/8.1 Computer

How to Close Metro Apps on Windows 8/8.1 Computer

By Sophia | Last Updated

For those who just start using Windows 8, they may not know how to close the apps opened from the Metro Interface (hereafter called Metro apps). So this article will introduce two frequently-used methods to close Metro apps in detail.

metro apps

2 ways to close Metro apps on Windows 8/8.1 computer:

Way 1: Close the open Metro apps by composite key.

That is, press Alt+F4 hotkeys to directly close the apps one by one.

Way 2: Close the Metro apps through their thumbnails on the Metro Interface.

Step 1: Move the mouse pointer to the bottom left corner of an open app and click the Metro Interface thumbnail to open the Metro Interface (also referred to Start screen).

click metro interface thumbnail to open it

Step 2: Move the mouse pointer to the top left corner of Metro Interface and an open app thumbnail appears.

thumbnail of an open metro app shows

Step 3: Move the pointer down along the left edge to display all open app thumbnails.

display thumbnail of all open metro apps

Step 4: Right-click an app thumbnail and choose Close to turn it off. Then, follow suit to close other open Metro apps.

right click the app thumbnail


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