Internet[Error Fix] Jscript Function not Defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick

[Error Fix] Jscript Function not Defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick

By Hally | Last Updated

When I used onclick="share_facebook()" on html code, I got error "Uncaught ReferenceError: share_facebook is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick", as shown in the figure below.

Jscript Function not Defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick

Here is my jscript code:

my code

All of the above function invocations are showing the same error: Uncaught ReferenceError: my_function is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick.

After researching online, I was told that “function share_pinterest(){}” is written incorrectly, and that it should be written as “share_pinterest = function(){}”. But the previous way of writing “function share_pinterest(){}” is OK. I searched for a lot of ways to fix this, but it didn't work.

function share

And then it was only after a dreamweaver tip that I realized there was an error in this line of code: “function share_linkedin(){ window.open('https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url'=+document.URL,'_target','width=600,height=500,left=300px,top=150px');}”.

Later I removed this line of code and then the function invocations were working fine, so the problem was with this line of code.

Then, I changed this line of code to "function share_linkedin(){ window.open('https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url='+document.URL,'_target','width=600,height=500,left=300px,top= 150px');}", and all the function invocations are working fine.

chenge the line


The reason for the problem with the function invocation is that one of the symbols in the function is written incorrectly. Correcting the symbols and the problem of “Uncaught ReferenceError: my_function is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick” will be fixed.

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